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This is super-important for Junior Cert. and Leaving Cert. and indeed for anyone studying this great language.
This is a big topic in Spanish. That is why I have broken it down into six individual sections. Each part concentrates on one particular point (e.g. individual letters, listening etc.).
You will become an expert in the Spanish Alphabet because you…
Hear the Pronunciations of Letters
Practice Your Pronunciation
Can Download My Alphabet Chart
In this first section, you get the MyTeacherDave’s Alphabet Cards.
These cards teach you the pronunciation of each letter in the entire Spanish alphabet – one-by-one.
1) CLICK the audio button to PLAY the sound
2) LISTEN to the sound of the letter and sample word(s)
3) REPEAT the sound you hear
CLICK the “TURN” button to turn the card and get some more helpful pronunciation information for any given letter!
Sometimes there might be a short lag of a second or two until the audio plays after clicking!
1) CLICK on the image of the little man
(You will hear the sounds of the Spanish alphabet)
2) FOLLOW the letters of the alphabet chart as you hear them.
(You can do this by sight or with your finger/cursor)
3) LISTEN AGAIN, pause the audio and repeat the pronunciation.
You have a good idea of the sounds of the letters from your Alphabet Cards in Part 1.
In this section, let’s put all of the letters together.
CLICK HERE for a FREE downloadable PDF version of the alphabet chart
In questions 1 to 7, there are two letters – only one of these is actually produced.
1) CLICK on the image of the little man
2) SELECT the sound you hear in 1 to 7
3) CHECK answers with the “CHECK” button
4) RETRY and REPEAT until you get 100!
You may have noticed in the previous activities that some sounds in the Spanish alphabet are actually quite similar.
In this section, you will build your listening skills and be able to differentiate between some similar sounds.
You are doing great!
We are now coming to the end of the listening activities for the Spanish alphabet.
In the previous section, you had to listen to individual sounds. Now, you are going to listen to complete words.
In questions 1 to 7, there are two names – only one of these is actually produced.
1) CLICK on the image of the little man
2) SELECT the name you hear being spelt in 1 to 7
3) CHECK answers with the “CHECK” button
4) RETRY and REPEAT until you get 100!
In this section, you are now going to start spelling words in Spanish!
To do this, we are going to work with some pretty funny animals.
There are five cards with an animal on each one.
1) CLICK the audio button to hear the sound the animal makes.
2) SPELL the name of the animal OUT LOUD
3) SAY the full name of the animal OUT LOUD
* TIP *
Use the individual alpabet cards in Part 1 above if you are not 100% sure how to pronounce any letter.
CLICK THE BLUE BUTTON to get there in a jiffy!
Welcome to the very last part of MyTeacherDave’s Spanish Alphabet page.
As the title suggests, this part is ALL about you!
So far in your journey, you have done activities of listening, pronunciation and a little bit of spelling.
Let’s now apply all of the skills to talking specifically about you.
The baby in the picture is actually thinking the most important question on this whole page!
To ask about how to spell something, we say:
Question => “¿Cómo se escribe tu nombre?“.
Answer => “Se escribe mi nombre D-A-V-E“.
Using the information about how to ask and answer questions about spelling, make questions and answers for the following:
1) Your name (“mi nombre”)
2) Your surname (“mi apellido”)
3) Your email address (“mi correo electrónico”)
4) Your school (“mi instituto”)
5) Your favourite animal (“mi animal favorito”)
@ = “arroba” . = “punto” “space” = “espacio”
Take your Spanish learning to the next level by booking a FREE CLASS with me.
You will explore the FULL SPANISH HUB and experience my professional and friendly teaching style.
CLICK THE BUTTON below and organise your FREE TRIAL CLASS!
*Only 5 places left.
Leaving Cert. 2021- 6 Months (H2)
“Teacher Dave is great because the classes are tailored to the student and you can concentrate on what you need most. I have learnt so much in a few short weeks. Furthermore, I have gained so much confidence in speaking Spanish that I never had before. This is because we chat in Spanish in an easy and relaxed manner. Dave gives so much time to your improvement and is really invested in your progress”.
Leaving Cert. 2022- 18 Months H1
“I have been attending Dave’s weekly Spanish class since last year and it has no doubt been the best decision. Dave is by far one of the best teachers I’ve ever had he is very thorough with explaining each topic and has brilliant, colourful notes which I find very helpful. Thank you Dave for all the time and effort you have put into all my classes, it has made a huge difference to my school work…”
Leaving Cert. 2021- 8 Months (H3)
“Teacher Dave has taught me to have a positive mindset towards Spanish and I have enjoyed every single one of my classes. His patience and support are unmatched and even the toughest parts of the language are broken down with the easy-to-follow lessons. We always crack a few jokes and have fun while learning, which gives the classes their real uniqueness”.
You can have a 30-minute Zoom class with me completely free.
Firstly, we will meet each other!
You can explain what things about Spanish are difficult or complicated for you. I will show you how I can help you to improve.
Most importantly, we will have a REAL class of grammar, vocabulary, listening, or comprehension – whatever you want!
Not at all.
All materials are provided free of charge.
The only thing you need is a good internet connection, and a laptop or tablet.
I am a Doctor (PhD) of Linguistics with Spanish and English and a qualified teacher (Cambridge) now, but I actually started Spanish as a hobby 18 years ago with zero idea of the language! I made all the mistakes, worked really hard, became an expert (a Doctor!) and developed the best ways to learn properly and retain what I learned.
As a teacher, I dedicate everything I do to show you how to improve, love the language and know what it’s like to be successful with it.
As one of my past students said:
“Dave gives so much time to your improvement and is really invested in your progress”. – Hannah Sharky.
All of my students report an improvement in their very first class.
This is because all materials and activities are designed to make you get better immediately.
This is a complimentary Spanish class with absolutely no commitment.
I hope you really enjoy the class and learn a lot with me.
However, if you don’t want other classes, that is completely OK!
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