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Online Spanish Grinds

Junior Cert. Leaving Cert.

Online Spanish Grinds for Junior Cert. and Leaving Cert. students who want to really improve their grades hassle-free.

Spanish and English online classes girl with Teacher Dave
Leaving Cert Spanish Grinds student with resources

Leaving Cert. Spanish

In the L.C. online Spanish grinds, you build a rock-solid foundation of grammar and vocabulary and then learn to comfortably navigate all the sections of the exam.

Lastly, you will sprinkle all this with secret “points-boosters” that leave the examiner super-impressed!

Junior Cert. Spanish

As a Doctor of Cognitive Science, I know from teaching young people from 6th class to 6th year, that the key to their success is to make learning FUN!

The J.C. online Spanish grinds are packed with interactive games and colourful activities that engage you the student from the very start.

Spanish Junior Cert Grinds parents with a happy female student at a laptop screen

The Complete Spanish Package

With 250 interactive games and activities, 80 explanation videos,  250 downloadable notes and 15 years of past papers, you have the complete package for boosting your Spanish.

80+ Grammar Videos

Step-by-step grammar videos incorporated into our classes for learning new topics or for rapid revision of those already covered.

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80+ Vocabulary Videos

Snappy Spanish vocabulary videos we use in our classes to enjoy the various topics and keep you engaged in a much more dynamic way.

Would you like 6 vocabulary topics for free?

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Gamified Learning

Gamified learning allows the student to enjoy interactive activities and work out the answers for themselves – you can try this one now!

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and discover great, FREE topics of Spanish vocabulary & grammar.

It's not about the grade you start with but the one you finish with...

H7 up to H4

or a less-than-passing grade of 30%-39% was how some students started. 

They ended up with a H4 or higher.

3 Grade Jump

has been the average experience across all my students over the last three years.

Some even rose to a H1.


of my students got the course they wanted at university and some qualified for various types of scholarships.

My online Spanish grinds give students the opportunity to reach their true potential.

Start for Free

Get 100% free access to my Free Spanish Hub. Explore the vocabulary and grammar topics, the interactive activities, the colourful notes and step-by-step approach to learning and improving.

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Orals 100% 

Points 100

Grade H1


to see a thrilled student fresh from the Spanish Leaving Cert Oral Exam.


We built a solid foundation through focused practice then sprinkled it with simple but powerful “Points Boosters” that totally amazed the examiner.

Holly’s success story began with her FREE CLASS, CLICK below and start yours today.

Real Students - Real Success

I struggled with Spanish before I started with Dave - but he taught me to have positive mindset towards Spanish and I enjoyed every single class with him.
We always had a laugh too.
His patience and support are unmatched.
I attended Dave’s weekly Spanish class since last year and it has no doubt been the best decision. Dave is by far the best teacher I’ve ever had he is very thorough with explaining each topic and has brilliant, colourful notes which I find very helpful.
Dave really cares about his students and makes learning Spanish more meaningful. Dave has many teaching strengths which include his creativity and his ability to make the language more fun and accessible to my son through interactive activities...

Are you ready to improve your Spanish?

Choose your way to instant improvement!
