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Emigration Is an Opportunity Not a Problem


This Opinion Piece Emigration Is an Opportunity Not a Problem is packed with more than 40 pieces of essential vocabulary and grammatical structures you need to know for the topic of Emigration.

Included is a H1-level Spanish text and a full English translation

Description of Contents

Is it possible that the topic of Emigration could appear in the LC exam? The answer is a resounding “yes”. Simply because it is one of those really hot topics in Irish society at the moment.

You may feel that you couldn’t write a top-class essay on this topic right now. Let us here at MyTeacherDave.com do the heavy lifting for you so you can quickly and easily get those generous 50 marks for this part of the exam.

Crucially, you get in English and Spanish:

  • A Clear, Logical Structure – how to layout your essay.
  • Content for Each Section – what to include in each paragraph.
  • 18 Pieces of Topic Vocab – e.g. “emigrate, emigrant”.
  • 5 Tenses – Present, Past, Future, Subjunctive & Present Perfect.
  • 10 Opinion Expressions – e.g. “there is no doubt that…”.
  • 13 Organising Expressions – e.g. “the first benefit to highlight”.
  • Bonus Grammar – Indirect Pronouns (“me, te, le…”).

Here’s how we start the essay off for Emigration Is an Opportunity Not a Problem:

I will begin by saying that I fully agree with the statement. I do not believe that emigration is a problem but, rather, an opportunity – especially for young people. There is a countless number of benefits; however, I will mention three in this text”.

NOTICE: there are actually 3 different tenses used in the opening paragraph alone: Future Simple (I will begin), Subjunctive (I do not believe that), Present (there is).


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